Is therapy for me?

Your anxiety keeps you awake at night and you never quite feel at ease during the day. What you worry about changes from day to day but that feeling of anxiety and tension stays with you.

Maybe it was yet another fight with your partner or your parents, but this time it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. You’re tired of the repetitive arguments and you want to figure out how to have a better relationship with them.

Or you may be facing existential questions such as what you should do with your life. You’re struggling to find your purpose and what you’re passionate about. You feel rudderless and like you’re just going through the motions.

You may have found that perfect job after college, the one that makes your parents proud, but it’s not as fulfilling as you imagined and you wonder, is this it?

You’re curious about patterns that you’ve been stuck in and haven’t made progress on such as picking unavailable or toxic partners or getting anxious and insecure in relationships. You want to find a long-term relationship but you’re struggling with dating and feel like you’re falling behind your peers.  

Or you may have found that person you thought was the one but now you’re going through a break-up or divorce and it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under you. You need a place to process the thoughts and feelings that are coming up around the separation.

These are some of the issues that I’ve helped clients work through. Can you relate?


Imagine being supported

Welcome, I’m glad you’re here. Starting therapy can be intimidating and it’s completely normal to feel unsure about it. But you’ve tried handling your struggles on your own for awhile and these issues keep weighing on your mind and your thoughts keep spiraling. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, lonely or lost in life, therapy can be a great way to get support as you move through a challenging time in your life. Sometimes it takes another person and a dedicated time and space to help untangle some of these issues. Clients say they start to feel more clarity and lighter after being in therapy with me.


Some of the issues I work with in therapy:

  • General anxiety, panic attacks and stress

  • Social anxiety and shyness

  • Anxiety in relationships

  • Feeling depressed, lonely or lost in life

  • Difficulty creating or maintaining intimate relationships

  • People-pleasing and codependency

  • Building self-esteem

  • Picking toxic or unavailable partners

  • Identity

  • Adult Children of Immigrant Parents

  • Breaking down unhelpful family dynamics

  • Processing your childhood

  • Career fulfillment and transitions

  • Improving communication skills

  • Grief and loss

  • Life transitions such as moving, divorce or break-up

  • Eating disorders


How can therapy help? 

When you’re feeling depressed or anxious, it can be hard to imagine that things can get better. Having the time each week to process your thoughts and experiences with another person gives you a fresh perspective. It can help you realize things you may not have known and thus open new paths for you to take.  With the information that we discover together, we would explore how you could change old patterns and find new ways of relating to yourself, to others and to life.

Therapy can be a transformative journey and a way to improve your self-esteem, be less self-critical, and manage anxiety. Therapy can also help you become more connected to your emotions so that you can identify your needs and set better boundaries, leading to more fulfilling relationships. Therapy is an investment in yourself and in your future. 

How do I start therapy?

I recognize the courage it takes to reach out for support. It's important to find a therapist who is a compassionate and skilled guide on this path. I’m a licensed San Francisco therapist with more than a decade of experience who provides therapy to individuals who are tired of feeling stuck and ready to try something new. Therapy can be an opportunity to not only alleviate your symptoms but also to discover more about yourself in order to create lasting and meaningful change. Contact me for a free 15 minute phone consult to see how I can help!